Essex Wellbeing Clinic & Essex Bowen Clinic
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Essex Wellbeing Clinic, Essex Bowen Clinic, Essex Lymph Clinic & Toni Creevy cannot be held liable for any injury associated to the breathing exercises, information or advice given. The breathing exercises are performed at your own risk. All exercise should be performed to your own comfort level.
Information source :
My knowledge & experience as a Adult & Children's Yoga Instructor for 15 years
How to breathe
Breathing this way centres the mind to help concentration, focus and calms the mind & body
Take a breath in / inhale slowly through your nose -filling your body
As you breathe out / exhale very slowly out of your nose
Keep your mouth closed
Take a breath in / inhale slowly through your nose filling your body
As you breathe out / exhale very slowly out of your nose
Keep your mouth closed.
Repeat x2
Lie on your back
Eyes closed
Place your hands softly on your stomach
Imagine a balloon inside your stomach
As you breathe in / inhale through your nose imagine your balloon getting bigger
As you breathe out exhale through your nose the air is released from your balloon /gets smaller
Breathe in again feel your stomach rise as your balloon is filled with air
Breathe out slowly and your hands gently sink back as the air is released
Repeat several times
Keep on your back eyes closed as your body and mind relax quietly for a short while
Lie on the floor on your back
Hands by your sides
Palms upwards
Feet slightly apart
Take a breath in and slowly let go of your breath
Squeeze your feet /toes legs and bottom
Squeeze your stomach arms & fingers
Squeeze your shoulders eyes ears nose
Squeeze your body as tight as you can
Let it go and relax
Take a breath in and slowly let go of your breath
Repeat breath
Stretch your toes & legs
Stretch your arms & fingers
Stretch your neck
Stretch your body making yourself long like an elastic band
Let it go and relax
Take a breath in and slowly let go of your breath
Repeat breath
Decreases any tension in shoulders allowing us to relax
On knees
Breathe in bring shoulders towards your ears
As your breath out allow shoulders to drop away & down from your ears
Stand feet hip width apart
Legs & feet pushing into the ground feel muscles tighten
Toes pushing into floor
Squeeze your bottom
Pull your stomach in gently to feel muscles working
Arms at sides
Shoulders up, shoulders back, shoulders down away from your ears
Fingers stretching towards floor (stretch middle finger)
Neck and head stretching tall
Breathe in (inhale)through nose and out (exhale) slowly out of your nose
Try to make your outward breath longer
Repeat breathing 2 times keeping body still
Keep all muscles engaged while breathing
If you find yourself frustrated angry or worried find a quiet place
and do your count to 5 breathing this helps to calm your feelings
Sit comfortably
Close your eyes
imagine your hand in front of you
Stretch out your fingers spreading them wide
Take a breath in through your nose
As you let long slow breath out relax your hand and allow 1 finger to relax
Repeat another 4 times (5 in total)
Allows any anger trapped inside the body to escape leaving you calm & feeling happy
Standing legs wide apart
Pretend to take axe up & over your head leaning slightly backwards
Take breathe in through your nose
Bend forwards pretend to take axe towards ground letting out the breath saying HAAAAAAA
Haaaaa is said loud using out breathe only
Repeat a couple of times
Helps headaches to go away
Stand with your feet apart (you can also do seated)
Put your hands over your ears
Close your eyes
Breathe in through your nose expand chest like a balloon
As your breath out Hum through your mouth
Use out breath only for long hummmmmmmmmmmm
Repeat to see how long your hum can be out breathe only
Loosen Jaw if tense or tight & helps voice to become stronger & louder
Sit on Knees
Hands rest on thighs
Eyes open wide
Take breathe in
Open mouth wide
Stick out tongue
Push out the out-breath & Roar from the back of throat
Repeat a couple of times
Worried / Anxious or Frightened - Helps deal with issues better
Lie on stomach
Legs stretched backwards
Lift head & Shoulders off floor
Elbows on floor / head rest in hands
Only thing that can move are eyes
Breathe IN through nose - SlowlyBreathe Out through nose
Long & Slow
Repeat for a couple of minutes
Essex Wellbeing Clinic, Essex Bowen Clinic & Toni Creevy cannot be held liable for any injury associated to the breathing exercises, information or advice given. The breathing exercises are performed at your own risk. All exercise should be performed to your own comfort level.
Information source :
Bowen Association UK
European College of Bowen Studies
Internet research
My knowledge & experience as a Yoga Instructor for 15 years
Give customers a reason to do business with you.
Treatment after care Drink Plenty of Water 1.5-2.5 litres/ 6 glasses a day, your cleansing process is helped by a well hydrated body and some of the moves stimulate detoxification. All our organs, including the brain, rely on water to function properly. We simply can’t live without it. Natural Healing Treatment. Alkaline water is best for our bodies systems and to help reduce inflammation within. For more information on alkaline water and its benefits see my Alkaline Water page.
You may feel an energy boost but resist temptation to be too energetic, allow the body to rest. .If possible relax mentally and physically for the rest of the day. Your body will be going through cleansing & natural healing which can take place on mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels. The link will take you to some breathing exercises which may help you to reduce stress ,anxiety and relax.
Try to have a gentle walk around approximately every 30 minutes, keep moving for the rest of the day . Keep the exercise gentle for the week following your treatment,Avoid Strenuous exercise or heavy lifting.. Moving will help the body to realign itself and aid lymphatic drainage. Carry out any exercises that have been given to you after your treatment.
Eat a light meal ,the body needs to concentrate on the healing process after your massage therapy and a heavy meal can put stress on the body. Limit tea, coffee & alcohol for at least 24hrs following a treatment as it can slow down the natural healing treatment process
Do not alter any medication that has been prescribed for you without speaking with your doctor first.
The body keeps adjusting for days following a treatment, these are all good positive signs and perfectly normal . These responses usually only last for 1-3 days.. This can include:
The return of you systems, Headaches, Thirst, Tiredness, Body aches & pains, Increased need to urinate. These are all positive signs that the healing process is working. If you feel emotional for a while after treatment, it is just a way that your body releases held emotions. You may also experience an Increase in energy, Good night's sleep & General feeling of well-being